Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I've Been Workin' on the Railroad...

Railway to Sinkhole Mine
I've been doing more work on NameWorld lately. This time I dug a straight path from the village rail station all the way to Sinkhole Mine, bridged some streams, laid gravel and rails. It's now possible to push a cargo cart between the two, but there aren't any powered rails in place yet.
Sinkhole Mine Station (Under Construction)

I also built a bit of the station over on the Sinkhole Mine side of the tracks. It's got the right shape, now, but I still have to throw some signs around, replace stone with cobblestone, and get those powered rails in place.
Sinkhole Mine Station (Entrance)

I really like how the entrance came out. With the swamp tree and vines nearby, it almost looks like it's been there for quite some time. I'm planning on building a little "mine office" nearby, right by the sinkhole. In there will be storage, the top half of the system that brings material from the bottom of the sinkhole up to the top, and a safe way to ascend and descend into the mine that doesn't rely on swimming up a waterfall. I also plan to put fences around the edge of the sinkhole itself, just to be sure.

Sinkhole Mine Station (Entrance Detail)
The doors to the station are a variation on the design I use in the village itself. In the village, behind each door is a pressure plate. All I have to do is open a door and walk through, and it will automatically close behind me. Or, if I'm inside, all I have to do is walk towards the door and it'll open for me.

At the station, I built the same set-up, but twice. One set is facing the other direction from the other, so stepping on either pressure plate causes both doors to open at once. Although I know some people don't like the way offset doors like this look, I've always thought it was a really neat way to make an automatic door. The only downside is that any monsters chasing me into the station will be able to get past the doors as well.

Just a small update for today, I suppose. I only had a few hours of time to play before work, and most of that was taken up by digging the path between stations. I also made some small upgrades to some of the buildings in the village, but I'll save that for the next update.

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