Firstly, some talk about what I've been doing in NameWorld today.
A) I started playing with the goal to make a refinery and later a quarry, but I don't seem to have enough coal to make diamonds for both. Right now my plan is to collect what oil I can, bring it back to the village and refine it into fuel for later use in a quarry.
B) The amount of power being drawn from the three advanced machines as well as the tool recharge station is more than the solar panels can generate during the day. I'm looking into replacing my solar panels with "low voltage solar arrays," which effectively combine the usefulness of eight solar panels into a single square. With enough resources, I'll be able to upgrade further to medium-voltage solar arrays, which will hopefully draw in enough energy each day to keep things running overnight, regardless of how much stuff I'm doing.
C) The machine shop is still noisy as hell. This made me think of the machine shop me and Cadloas had on one of Wickydoo's SMP servers. On SMP, for some reason, advanced machines like the rotary macerator and the singularity compressor would explode if allowed to reach full speed. Because of this, we couldn't keep them running full-blast all the time like I do. With some help, Cadloas came up with the idea to instead use multiple "overclocker upgrades" in each machine, making them as effective as the advanced versions wihle being safe to use. I plan to use this same tactic to combat the noise the machines make while left idling, but I'll have to adjust how I wire things; my extractor with four overclockers seems to require more energy than the copper cables can supply. I may have to upgrade to at least gold cables, while using "energy storage upgrades" to allow the standard machines to accept current higher than 32 energy per tick.
Now onto the meat of this post.
I've been using the Technic Pack wikipedia for help on a lot of things involved in each of these mods. I've been seeing that the Technic mods seem to largely be mods that I've been using, with a very few exceptions. For instance, the Forestry mod is no longer being supported by the later versions of Technic. I never really used that mod much to begin with, and after skimming the list of things in that mod, I don't know if losing any of them would be any great loss.
If it works, what this means it that I may be able to play a more current version of Minecraft along with more current versions of all the mods I've been running. There are a few mods in the pack that I won't use, but I've been informed that the loader program that the mods use allows you to select which of the mods included that you want to use.
I think I may take some time tonight to see if I can get things running. I'll make some extra copies of the latest save of NameWorld just to make sure I don't entirely bork any of it beyond acceptable losses.
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