Thursday, October 18, 2012

Completion of the Evil Church

Newly-Built Rubber Tree Farm
I'm not sure exactly what sparked it, but I've returned to the world of Minecraft temporarily. I took a good, long look at my world before I actually stepped back into it, and some of the things didn't entirely make sense.

For instance, I didn't much like the automated rubber farm. It just didn't feel like it was as efficient as it seemed like it should be. I decided to take down the tree farm and rebuild it as a large rubber tree farm, which I'll tend to by hand from now on. The tree farm I'll save until I rebuild the sunken village way over by the double-volcano.
Completed Dark Catacombs

When building it, however, I ran out of glowstone. That brought me back to another project I had left unfinished - the desert village's nether portal. As shown in previous updates, underneath the village church was a set of marble-brick catacombs. In the back of this, a particular casket was fake, hiding a passageway to an evil, upside-down version. Spending most of a day, I measured out, carved away and built the dark catacombs, complete with smooth basalt caskets hanging from the ceiling.
The Evil Church is Complete

Of course, below the dark catacombs was where the nether portal would finally have its true home, in an upside-down version of the church itself. The pews are made of partial-block soul sand, as the crosses are similarly made of netherrack. Set beteween them on the ceiling is a golden throne, a sort of egotistical center to the room that opposed a normal church's idea of the building being a center to itself. A nether brick walkway leads you to the nether portal itself, while the windows pour molten lava down the pitch of the roof.

I'm really proud of how nice it looks. I may only see it when I take my rare visits to the nether, but it still feels like an accomplishment. An idea I had long ago that's finally finished, something I can look at and know I built without creative powers or map editors.

The next project is to build a "case" of reinforced stone around the nether side of that portal and set off a few nukes outside. That way I can hopefully open up the mountain that the portal is stuck in. It's still a "maybe" in my head, however. I've got a lot of other things to do around my world, but the dark church is finally done.

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