Collecting Oil for Moltar |
While trying to think of what I wanted to do with NameWorld (and this blog as well), I did some more stuff on Wickydoo's server. On SMP I feel like I'm better suited to be a "helper" rather than making anything of my own, and so I've been trying to help out another friend from there by the name of Moltar. He was the first (perhaps only?) person on the server to work heavily in what BuildCraft had to offer, namely in quarries, oil and fuel.
A week or so ago, while bored, I ran around exploring the area around where we all live in Wickydoo's server and wrote down the F3-coordinates of several pools and geysers of oil. With the help of teleportation pipes, I hung around while a pump would suck up oil and send it off to one of Moltar's holding tanks. Though normally there would be chunk load/unload problems to stop the oil from flowing, Moltar was doing a lot of work around his house, and so those chunks were always loaded to allow the transfer.
Remains of the Village Fountain |
Of the two choices I had been considering the most (either continuing on with NameWorld or starting a new world whose seed happened to include another NPC village right by spawn), I decided to do the former. This was mostly due to finding out that, in chunks that hadn't loaded while I was walking around modless, there were still new ores, marble and other mod-given things to be found. I decided to keep NameWorld and the village, but to abandon my current branch-mine, as most of the interesting things to be found underground were now missing.
I also took another look around the village itself to take stock of exactly what I'd lost. The tanks of oil and the oil pump up on the mountain were both gone. The blocks that made up the village fountain were gone (though the water and torches still behaved as if they hadn't). All of my rubber trees and rubber tree saplings were gone, as well as the mining drill, battery backpack and bronze armor I had come to rely on so heavily. Strangely enough, a few pipes, a redstone engine and the "liquid tank cart dropoff" device were still in place in the village, though by all accounts they should have disappeared as well.
The Ruined Underground |
It was curious to see just how much of the underground was really effected by the temporary loss of mods. As you can see from the picture, I didn't just lose special ores and gemstones. Huge sections of stone and dirt were torn out.
After taking a short trip to mine some of the minerals and gems in that ocean sinkhole in the swamp biome, I rebuilt some of my machines. Already I began to miss my rotary macerator and the induction furnace for their speed, and the solar panels for the effectively limitless, free energy. But soon after rebuilding some of my machine shop, I remembered the task I had prepared myself for before all of this had happened: spreading out my village so I could add lamp posts along the cobblestone streets.
Storage Warehouse Under Reconstruction |
And so I once again tore up everything I had. I moved every last thing I had saved into some chests in the church, as it was one of the few buildings I had decided was better left right where it was standing. Then I started sketching out the design of some of the buildings in a pad of graph paper I had before striking on a different idea: I could make a second copy of NameWorld and use it for physical, walk-through plans of the buildings whenever I needed them.
The first building(s) to be torn down were the storage warehouses. I liked the design, but where I had built them was a bit iffy, and so I gave it a bit of a revamp. It should store a fair bit more while also having more room to get between the floors. All of the blocks and items will be held in the one single warehouse, however, instead of secluded in one of their own.
Damn It, Creeper... |
Of course, while taking down the warehouses, that meant some of the torches I had stuck on the sides were removed and thus there was more darkness around for monsters to spawn in. And so a creeper took it upon itself to blast a hole in one of the partially-build church's walls.
I'm currently using the church as a sort of house, as well. My bed is now on the floor of the church basement, where all the marble bricks had once been. I'm not sure if it's going to be safe to use on a regular basis, however, given that it's not actually in an enclosed space any longer.