Sunday, March 18, 2012

And Just Like That...

Magic Loader is an amazing program. It lets you select mods and such in a simple-to-use interface and it helps you load them into your game. The only problem is with how it does this. When you select a mod for it, it doesn't move the mod. It assumes you're selecting a mod that's staying where it is. And that fact led to the downfall of NameWorld.

I had unRAR'd the folder Wickydoo had given us with the mods onto my desktop. I selected them from there, did as the instructions had said, and never realized what I had done wrong. The game worked fine! Times were good. NameWorld was made and prospered, and this blog did the same. I've gotten more pageviews on this blog than I ever had on any other blog I've done.

The way I switched between the "old mods" that I used for NameWorld and the set of "new mods" that I needed for when Wickydoo updated the server and mods package was pretty simple. I had folders for Wickydoo's Server and for NameWorld on my desktop. I'd move everything in the .minecraft folder into whichever folder was appropriate and move the other folder's contents in. Deciding to stop procrastinating and get to the work of shifting the village's houses around again, I switched over to the NameWorld folder and started playing.

The first thing I noticed odd was that the game's achievements had reset themselves. When I opened my inventory I saw that it felt oddly empty. I realized that many of my items - the mining drill, battery pack, my axe and my bronze armor - were all gone. That's when the first wave of panic hit me.

I ran to the church. I could see straight down through the floor into the empty pit of the "undercroft." The marble bricks were gone. I ran back to my house, barely dodging a creeper. The machines in the basement were gone, too.

I quit the world and sat to think of how it had happened, striking upon the idea of having screwed myself over by deleting the old folder of mods and such. I realized that there was no way I could get that particular set of mods back again, as Wickydoo had likely deleted the old RAR file when he put the new one up for us all to download.

When I moved the NameWorld save into the Wickydoo's Server folder and tried it, I was hopeful that some areas I hadn't looked at - such as inside the chests holding all my ore dust and along the walls underground - wouldn't have reverted back to vanilla Minecraft. They had. The area of marble I had carved down into to make that slanting mineshaft was extensively hollowed out, including large areas of underground. Adding to the list of things I've lost are the 30-odd tanks of oil I had gathered. At sixteen buckets per tank, that's a considerable amount.

I'm honestly at a loss as to what to do now. I feel like I can't just continue playing this map, or at least in this area, because I've lost so much. The machines and tools aren't such a big loss, it's the underground; the fact that no chunk in the nearby area - maybe even in every chunk I've explored - has any of the special ore any longer is what hits the hardest.

I love my little village, but it really does feel like a ghost town. The villagers are gone, the buildings are empty.. part of my house is even gone because of that damn creeper that had chased me down the street in my frenzy to find what I'd lost. If I keep playing on this map, my only real recourse would be to pick a direction and travel for a long time, rebuilding my life in a new area. But without a village to help keep track of, a little town to take some sort of stewardship over.. I just don't know what I'll do.

Suggestions are welcome. Just post a comment below and I'll give it some thought. For now, though, I think I've lost a good deal of the urge to play Minecraft that I'd woken up with today.

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