Basically, I had been running things with a generator hooked up to a battery box with little to no problem. But the glamor of an MFE - with fifteen times the energy storage - pulled me toward the prospect of upgrading to it. So I gathered the materials and crafted the MFE, used a spare RE battery to draw the last bits of energy from the battery box, and replaced it. I got the wires hooked up again and stuck the battery into the "input" slot.. and that's when it all blew up in my face. I had completely forgotten the fact that an MFE puts out more energy than can be handled by the insulated copper cables, and perhaps more than could be handled by most of my machines.
Storage Warehouses |
The rubber tree farm is mostly grown, now. I came up with a system for keeping track of which trees are producing resin and in what quantities. Each tree that had resin when I went to check (after letting them sit for a MineCraft day or two) got as many torches on the dirt around them as they had resin deposits. Any trees which had no resin at all got a torch placed on the trunk. Any tree that I now find with no torch I'll know I haven't checked at all yet, and any tree that has a trunk-torch that I check again, if they don't have any resin this time, I'll cut it down and plant a new one. I hope that explanation isn't nearly as confusing as it felt like to write it out!
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